Thursday, June 16, 2011

Are we there yet?

Nope, not there yet!

I'm not sure what happened, well maybe I am, but I thought for sure I'd be at goal weight within 2 years of surgery.  I had lapband surgery on 10/28/2008.  This time last year I was down 86 pounds from surgery date and 109 lbs from my highest weight.  I'm currently up 12lbs from my post-op low and ready to get the scale moving in a downward fashion.

The first two years were a breeze more or less.  I was losing very slowly, but consistently.  I was letting my band do it's job and I was a dedicated exerciser.  Amazing how good exercise felt after losing all that weight!  I was walking 5-10 miles a week and going to a kick ass bootcamp class 2 days a week.  I was feeling fit, firm and thought I had it all under control.

But as life goes some times, a big monkey wrench came my way.  I totally overdid it on a hike one day and followed it up with a bootcamp work out and for all that effort I ended up with plantar fasciitis in my left foot.  It was like waking up with broken glass in the bottom of my heel and every step was excruciating.  So I did what any normal person would do, I quit working out.  Completely and totally.  No other exercise could compare with boot camp, so I didn't even try. 

I'm still not able to work out like I could before but I'm ready to make some changes and get back on track.  I really want to make it to my goal weight by the end of this year.  I've only got 60lbs to go, so it's totally reasonable, right?

So here I go, reinventing my success.  Success might not look like I thought it would, but I'm ready to try something different and see what happens.

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